Make everything you do count

PALFlow is a cloud based, task oriented workflow and internal control management tool for business people

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Build Workflows

Build great workflows in minutes. Decide your processes, build the workflow and go live. No special programming or IT help needed.

Document Procedures

Document your procedures, tasks and internal controls all in one place. Quickly assign responsibilities to make sure procedures are never missed again.

Track Execution

View in one place the exact progress of all your projects. Managing your team has never been easier.

Your Workflow PAL

PALFlow is a simple to use tool your entire team will love. With workflows clearly designed, procedures documented, tasks assigned, and internal controls working effectively, working as a team to achieve greatness will never be easier. PALFlow helps your team members eliminate the uncertainty from their day, allows them be more efficient with their time, and drives them to prioritize the right way tasks that are important.

  • Know your team's progress
  • Manage workloads
  • Prioritize Tasks
  • Powered by Microsoft Cloud

Eliminate Mistakes

PALFlow eliminates the guesswork from workflows and ensures processes and tasks are completed every time without exception.

Progress at a glance

PALFlow provides a quick snapshot of your team's progress and allows you to monitor process efficiency. No need to micromanage your team anymore.

Make decisions

PALFlow helps you prioritize tasks and allocate resources, ensuring you never miss a deadline again.

Internal Controls

PALFlow provides clear documentation of your internal control procedures, satisfying interested third parties such as investors auditors.

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